What is DBT therapy and how it could benefit you

Relaxed hand about to touch the calm water. Photo by Yoann Boyer

What is DBT therapy and how it could benefit you

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) represents a transformative approach, blending behavioural science, dialectical philosophy, and mindfulness to manage emotional and psychological challenges. Developed initially for borderline personality disorder, DBT is now used for a broader range of conditions, emphasising skills development to enhance emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships.

What is DBT therapy?

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a therapeutic approach that integrates cognitive-behavioural techniques with concepts derived from Eastern mindfulness practices. Developed in the late 1980s by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan, DBT was initially created to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD), particularly those experiencing intense emotional disturbances and suicidal thoughts. It has since evolved to address a broader spectrum of mental health issues.

The core philosophy of DBT rests on the concept of dialectics, which involves synthesising opposing viewpoints to find a balance. This philosophy is applied in DBT to help patients accept their experiences but also work towards changing harmful behaviours. DBT focuses on fostering acceptance—acknowledging one’s feelings and behaviours without judgement—and change—actively working to alter those behaviours and emotional patterns. This dual focus is designed to help individuals achieve a more stable and satisfying life.

Key Components of DBT

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is structured around four essential components, each targeting a specific aspect of emotional and behavioural management:

  1. Mindfulness: Encourages full awareness and presence, helping individuals observe their thoughts and feelings without judgment, which is crucial for accurate self-assessment and mindfulness in daily interactions.

  2. Distress Tolerance: Focuses on enduring and tolerating negative emotions rather than escaping from them. This skill is vital for coping with momentary distress and avoiding impulsive decisions.

  3. Emotion Regulation: Provides strategies to manage and change intense, unstable emotions that can disrupt relationships and daily functioning. This involves understanding the triggers of emotional spikes and learning to moderate them.

  4. Interpersonal Effectiveness: This component teaches techniques for asserting needs and managing interpersonal conflicts while maintaining dignity and self-respect. It enhances relationship satisfaction and helps achieve personal goals through effective communication.

How is DBT Therapy conducted?

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) combines individual therapy sessions with group skills training to address various mental health challenges effectively.

  • Individual Therapy Sessions: These weekly one-to-one sessions focus on applying DBT skills to personal challenges, with therapists providing tailored support and motivation. This setting allows for deep personal exploration and problem-solving.

  • Group Skills Training Classes: Held weekly, these classes function as skill-building workshops where participants practice mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness together and learn from each other’s experiences.

  • Homework and Practice: Clients are given regular assignments to integrate the skills learned into daily life, ensuring that these tools become practical coping mechanisms that enhance therapy outcomes.

Benefits of DBT therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) has shown remarkable effectiveness in treating a range of mental health conditions, making it a valuable tool in the field of psychological therapy. It was initially developed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD), but its benefits extend to a wide array of other conditions.

Borderline Personality Disorder: DBT’s initial and most notable success has been in treating individuals with BPD, a condition characterised by emotional nstability, disturbed patterns of interpersonal relationships, and impulsive behaviour. DBT helps by teaching skills that manage emotional dysregulation and improve relationships.

Depression and Anxiety: Individuals suffering from depression or anxiety have also found relief through DBT, as it provides them with tools to manage negative thought patterns and alleviate the intense emotions associated with these disorders. The mindfulness and emotional regulation components of DBT are particularly beneficial in these cases.

Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse: DBT’s structured approach helps those struggling with eating disorders and substance abuse by focusing on changing harmful behaviours and fostering a greater sense of self-control and acceptance.

Evidence supporting the effectiveness of DBT is robust. Numerous studies have highlighted its impact, particularly in reducing suicidal behaviour and self-harm among individuals with borderline personality disorder. For instance, a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that DBT significantly reduced rates of suicidal behaviour and psychiatric hospitalisations compared to other commonly used therapies.

Moreover, DBT’s effectiveness extends beyond treating specific disorders. It enhances overall quality of life by improving emotional regulation, increasing distress tolerance, and strengthening interpersonal relationships. This holistic improvement is essential for long-term recovery and stability, demonstrating DBT’s comprehensive approach to mental health treatment.

Who can benefit from DBT?

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is particularly suitable for individuals who struggle with emotional regulation or face ongoing challenges in their interpersonal relationships. This includes those prone to intense emotional reactions, those who experience chronic interpersonal conflicts, and individuals with a history of self-destructive behaviours. DBT’s structured approach can be particularly transformative for those with borderline personality disorder, helping to stabilise emotions and improve social interactions.

Finding DBT therapy

When seeking DBT therapy, it’s crucial to find qualified therapists experienced in delivering this specific type of treatment. Ensure that the therapist or the program you choose has a proven track record in DBT, as specific training and adherence to the therapeutic model are essential for the treatment’s effectiveness.

Begin your search for skilled DBT therapists by visiting Find Therapists in London, where you can access a curated list of professionals experienced in DBT. Opting for a therapist or program specialising in DBT can significantly enhance the therapeutic experience, offering more tailored support and structured guidance.


In conclusion, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a structured, evidence-supported method designed to address various emotional and psychological challenges. Its effectiveness lies in its emphasis on enhancing mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. These pillars equip individuals to manage complex emotions and interactions, fostering improved mental health and stability.

If you’re grappling with intense emotions, difficult social interactions, or behaviours that undermine your quality of life, DBT might be a suitable therapy to consider. It’s particularly effective for conditions like borderline personality disorder, depression, and anxiety, where managing emotions is crucial.

Ample resources are available for those ready to pursue better mental health through DBT, especially within London. Start by visiting Find Therapists in London to find experienced DBT therapists who can support you in making meaningful improvements for a more stable and fulfilling life.

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